2021 FMA Annual Meeting
20 - 23 October 2021
Denver, Colorado
FMA has continued to monitor the pandemic and after assessing the current climate, we have decided to require all event attendees, exhibitors, and FMA staff to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 in order to attend the FMA Annual Meeting in Denver, CO. This will help prioritize the health and wellbeing of all conference participants and to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.
Conference participants planning to travel to Denver are required to validate their vaccination status by Wednesday, 13 October through Cleared4, a HIPAA and GDPR compliant platform.
Click here to validate your vaccination or use the barcode below to validate your vaccination on your phone.

FMA International is pleased to announce the 2021 FMA Annual Meeting will be held on 20 - 23 October 2021 at the Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel in Denver, Colorado. This conference will bring together academicians and practitioners with interests in financial decision-making and provides a forum for presenting new research and discussing current issues in financial management and related topics.
We are planning for and excited to welcome attendees to our in-person Annual Meeting in Denver as well as a virtual program for those individuals who are not able to travel to Denver.
In-person sessions will be held on Thursday and Friday, 21 and 22 October. Virtual sessions will be held on Wednesday, 20 October, Friday, 21 October (evening) and Saturday, 23 October.
How We Are Keeping You Safe
FMA is working with state and national public health experts to ensure the health and safety of attendees. We will:
- All event attendees, exhibitors and FMA staff will be fully vaccinated against COVID-19
- Masks wil be required at all times unless you are actively eating or drinking
- Offer self-service registration kiosks to limit lines and reduce interaction with registration personnel.
- Provide individually wrapped "At A Glance" programs containing summary information on both the in-person and virtual programs. The full conference program will be available on the conference app and online planner.
- Provide PPE, including hand sanitizer, sanitizing wipes, gloves and masks throughout the meeting space.
- Plan for longer breaks between sessions to allow for cleaning of the session rooms and presentation equipment.
- Structure seating in session rooms, catered events and the Keynote Address in responsibly distanced options.
- Offer pre-packaged "Grab-and-Go" options or attended buffet stations at catered events.
- Structure the Exhibit Hall in a socially distanced manner and utilize controlled foot traffic patterns.
- Structure the Placement Center in a socially distanced manner and have plexiglass barriers between interviewers and interviewees.
- Make adjustments as needed based on recommendations from state and national public health experts.
Information regarding Colorado's state-level COVID-19 response is available here. Information regarding the Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel's enhanced protocols is available here.
Conference Program
Virtual sessions will be held on Wednesday, 20 October, Friday, 22 October (evening) and Saturday, 23 October.
- The 2021 FMA Meeting Keynote Address by Alex Edmans, Professor of Finance at the London Business School will be live-streamed for in-person and virtual attendees on Thursday, 21 October from 10:00 AM - 11:15 AM MT.
- A special panel session, Role of the Corporation and Today's Big Questions featuring Hester Peirce, Commissioner, US Securities and Exchange Commission, Alex Holmes, CEO, MoneyGram and Scott Howe, CEO, LiveRamp and moderated by Sanjai Bhagat, Provost Professor of Finance, University of Colorado Boulder and Independent Director, ProLink Solutions will be live-streamed for in-person and virtual attendees on Thursday, 21 October from 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM MT.
Click here for the VIRTUAL PROGRAM
In-person sessions will be held on Thursday, 21 October and Friday, 22 October.
Click here for the IN-PERSON PROGRAM
Click here for the Online Planner with links to the virtual sessions To log on, enter the email and last name used for registration
Conference Registration
Conference registration is closed.
Refund Policy
Requests must be submitted in writing prior to 22 September 2021 to receive a full refund of the conference registration fee and event fees. Requests received after 22 September 2021 and before 29 September 2021 will receive a refund less $50 (US) processing fee. NO REFUNDS can be granted after 29 September 2021. FMA membership fees are non-refundable.
COVID-19 Refund Policy Exception
If you are experiencing symptoms related to COVID-19 (fever, chills, shortness of breath, etc.) or have been exposed to COVID-19 within the past 14 days, you are asked to cancel your attendance and will be issued a full refund. Please contact FMA here to request an exemption to the refund policy.
COVID-19 Safety Acknowledgement and Liability Waiver
Hotel Reservations
The host hotel is the Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel (1550 Court Place Denver, CO 80202). The room rate is $219/night plus tax and service charges. Please click here to make your reservation. Please Note: The Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel has very low inventory for Wednesday, 20 October.
We have contracted with the Brown Palace for additional rooms. The Brown Palace is located a five (5) minute walk from the Sheraton. The room rate is $219/night plus tax and service charges. Please click here to make your reservation.
Paper Acceptances
Acceptance letters for the 2021 Conference were sent (electronically) to each paper’s presenting author on 7 July 2021. Please contact FMA here if you have not received your paper's status letter.
The paper submission deadline was Friday, 9 April 2021; we are no longer able to accept submissions.
Placement Center
The Placement Center will be open:
Wednesday, 20 October: 12:00 noon - 5:00 PM
Thursday, 21 October: 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Friday, 22 October: 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturday, 23 October: 7:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Interviewers and interviewees using the Placement Center must be registered for the In-Person FMA Annual Meeting.
The Placement Center will be set in a socially distanced manner and have plexiglass barriers between interviewers and interviewees. Hand sanitizers and disinfecting wipes will be readily available.
If you have any questions regarding the Placement Center please contact [email protected].
Click here to read the full Call For Papers.
Conference Program
Featuring Keynote Speaker 
Alex Edmans
Alex Edmans is Professor of Finance at London Business School and Academic Director of the Centre for Corporate Governance. Alex graduated from Oxford University and then worked for Morgan Stanley in investment banking (London) and fixed income sales and trading (New York). After a PhD in Finance from MIT Sloan as a Fulbright Scholar, he joined Wharton in 2007 and was tenured in 2013 shortly before moving to LBS.
Alex’s research interests are in corporate finance, behavioural finance, and responsible business. He has published in the American Economic Review, Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies, and Journal of Economic Literature. He is Managing Editor of the Review of Finance, Associate Editor of the Journal of Financial Economics, a Research Fellow of the CEPR, and a Fellow of the ECGI. He was previously Associate Editor of the Review of Financial Studies and a Faculty Research Fellow of the NBER.
Alex has spoken at the World Economic Forum in Davos, testified in the UK Parliament, presented to the World Bank Board of Directors as part of the Distinguished Speaker Series, and given the TED talk What to Trust in a Post-Truth World and the TEDx talk The Social Responsibility of Business with a combined 2.2 million views. Alex also serves as Mercers’ School Memorial Professor of Business at Gresham College, giving a four-year program of lectures to the public, and on Royal London Asset Management’s Responsible Investment Advisory Committee. Alex’s book, Grow the Pie: How Great Companies Deliver Both Purpose and Profit was named to the Financial Times Business Books of the Year for 2020. He has become a co-author of “Principles of Corporate Finance” with Brealey, Myers and Allen, for the upcoming 14th edition to be published in early 2022.
Doctoral Student Consortium on Wednesday, 20 October 2021
Led by Dr. Christine Parlour, Professor | Sylvan C. Coleman Chair in Finance and Accounting | Distinguished Teaching Fellow at the University of California, Berkeley, the Doctoral Student Consortium includes a panel session with distinguished scholars discussing the latest advances in research and offering career advice. The afternoon breakout sessions give participants the opportunity to present job market papers or dissertation proposals and receive feedback from the faculty and panelists. Accepted participants receive complimentary conference registration.
The application deadline was 15 July 2021. We are no longer able to accept applications.
Diversity Emerging Scholars Initiative (DESI) on Wednesday, 20 October 2021
FMA is pleased to offer the Diversity Emerging Scholars Initiative (DESI), a program that offers early career scholars (e.g., Assistant Professors or untenured professors) from underrepresented identity groups (i.e., underrepresented race/ethnicity groups, lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender people, people with disabilities) opportunities to gain visibility in the profession, benefit from mentorship, receive feedback and ongoing support on their research from senior faculty, and receive advice on professional development.
Selected participants will be invited to participate in workshops at the 2021 FMA Annual Meeting on Wednesday, 20 October 2021 where they will present their papers/research idea, engage in discussion, and receive feedback from senior researchers. Participants agree to integrate feedback gained from these workshops into their papers within 9 months and send back to the senior faculty leaders for additional mentorship and support.
Conference registration fees will be waived for selected participants.
The application deadline was 15 July 2021. We are no longer able to accept applications.
Application status letters were sent electronically on 13 August 2021. Please contact FMA here if you have not received your letter.
2021 FMA Innovation in Teaching Award
The Financial Management Association International's (FMA) Innovation in Teaching Award is designed to recognize inspiring educators, enhance the quality and relevance of education in finance, disseminate successful innovative practices, and elevate teaching as a craft to the next level.
Three finalists will be invited to present in a special session at the FMA Annual Meeting in October 2021 and prizes will be offered to the winner and two runners up.
The application deadline was 15 July 2021. We are no longer able to accept applications
New Ideas Sessions
For the first time this year, the Financial Management Association International (FMA) will hold several New Ideas Sessions at the Annual Meeting on October 20-23, 2021 in Denver, CO. These sessions will provide people with the opportunity to receive feedback on research that is in its early stages. The ideal stage of research is a project for which you have a clear research question, you can clarify the contribution relative to prior literature, and you potentially have some preliminary results. In addition, these sessions will also provide the opportunity for people to network with other researchers with similar interests.
Each New Ideas session will consist of approximately five papers, on a related topic. Each person will have approximately five minutes to present their New Idea, followed by Q&A. At the conclusion of the session, there will be reserved time for networking among the presenters and other session participants.
At the Denver 2021 FMA Annual Meeting, these New Ideas sessions will be offered in an in-person format. We invite anybody who plans to be in Denver to apply. Preference will be given to assistant professors, and to advanced Ph.D. students.
Please submit a one-page proposal, outlining your research project by Friday, 16 July 2021. This proposal should clearly outline:
- The main research question, and associated motivation
- Proposed contribution relative to prior literature
In addition, please specify which of the following areas your new idea fits into:
- Corporate Finance
- Asset Pricing / Investments
- Fintech
- Behavioral
- Household Finance
Finally, if you submitted a paper to the Annual Meeting, you may also submit a New Ideas Proposal. However, the New Ideas Proposal must be a different paper.
The submission deadline was 16 July 2021. We are no longer able to accept applications.
Application status letters were sent electronically on 12 August 2021. Please contact FMA here if you have not received your letter.
Sponsorships, Exhibits and Advertising
Information on sponsorships, exhibits and advertising is now available! Please click here to download the brochure. If you have any questions, please contact FMA here.
Vice President - 2021 FMA Annual Meeting Program
Michelle Lowry TD Bank Professor of Finance, LeBow School of Business, Drexel University Academic Director of the Gupta Governance Institute
THANK YOU to our sponsors

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