2019 Annual Meeting
23 - 26 October 2019 Sheraton New Orleans Hotel New Orleans, LA
The 2019 FMA Annual Meeting will be hosted in the "Big Easy"! Led by Vice President of the 2019 FMA Annual Meeting Robert Parrino, University of Texas at Austin, the conference program consists of presentations of research papers, panel discussions, and tutorials that begin Thursday morning and end Saturday at noon. The Doctoral Student Consortium (by application only) and special interest round-tables are hosted on Wednesday. The onsite Placement Center is open Wednesday - Saturday to registered attendees.
Conference Registration
Online registration is no longer available. Onsite registration will be available at the Sheraton (Napoleon Ballroom Foyer) on:
Wednesday, 12:00 noon - 5:00 pm
Thursday, 7:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday, 6:45 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday, 8:00 am - 11:30 am
Save time in line! Download and complete the registration form and bring it with you!
Member: $235 USD (Professional), $145 (current PhD/DBA student)
Nonmember: $335 USD (Professional), $175 (PhD/DBA student)
Cancellation Policy: Requests must be submitted in writing prior to 25 September 2019 to receive a refund of the conference registration fee and event fees. Requests received between 26 September 2019 and 2 October will incur a $50 (US) processing fee. NO REFUNDS can be granted after 3 October 2019. FMA membership fees are non-refundable.
Conference Program
2019 Annual Meeting Keynote Address

"Fake Research"
Campbell R. "Cam" Harvey Fuqua School of Business, Duke University
Campbell R. Harvey is Professor of Finance at the Fuqua School of Business, Duke University and a Research Associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He received the 2016 and 2015 Best Paper Awards from the Journal of Portfolio Management for his research on distinguishing luck from skill. He has also received eight Graham and Dodd Awards/Scrolls for excellence in financial writing from the CFA Institute. He has published over 125 scholarly articles on topics spanning investment finance, emerging markets, corporate finance, behavioral finance, financial econometrics and computer science.
Cam is a Founding Director of the Duke-CFO Survey. This widely watched quarterly survey polls over 1,500 CFOs worldwide and serves as the Investment Strategy Advisor to the Man Group plc, the world’s largest, publicly listed, global hedge fund provider.
Over the past four years, he has taught “Innovation and Cryptoventures” at Duke University. The course focuses on blockchain technology covering both the mechanics of blockchains as well as practical applications of both public and private implementations.
2019 Outstanding Financial Executive Award Winner
Roger Ferguson President and Chief Executive Officer, TIAA
In 1984, FMA established the Outstanding Financial Executive Award (OFE) to honor individuals who have made creative and innovative contributions to the field of finance. We are pleased to announce the 2019 OFE Award Winner is Roger Ferguson, President and Chief Executive Officer of TIAA. Roger will accept the award and give an address at the conference.
Optional Special Events (Additional Fees Required)
- Financial Planning and Analysis Roundtable (Full Day, Wednesday, 23 October, $40 attendance fee): Coordinated by Sam Weaver, Lehigh University, this full-day round table includes presentations by both practitioners and academics on a variety of clinical work with applied results. In the past, many presentations have served as a catalyst to initiate further discussion as past groups have become engaged in the topic, taken an active role in asking questions, and shared their own views and reactions.
The round table includes presentations by both practitioners and academics on a variety of clinical work with applied results and centers on traditional and broadly defined corporate finance topics which may include papers in investments, financial markets, and financial institutions that have extensions to corporate finance. The round table also strives to present pedagogy and "classroom" topics that can benefit all.
- Women's Networking Luncheon (Thursday, 24 October, 1:00 pm, $30 attendance fee): Coordinated by Bernadette Minton, The Ohio State University, the luncheon provides an opportunity for women to network with each other, as well as share thoughts and solutions to the unique challenges women face in advancing in the finance profession.
- Practitioner Insights Breakfast (Friday, 25 October, 7:00 am, $20 attendance fee): New for 2019, this event offers academic researchers, students, and practitioners the opportunity to hear from a leader in the profession about current finance issues and glean inspiration for new research and continued discussion. The inaugural speaker for this event will be Ananth Madhavan, Managing Director, BlackRock discussing "Is Indexing Distorting the Underlying Markets?
- Assistant Professors’ Breakfast (Friday, 25 October, 7:00 am, $20 attendance fee): Coordinated by Michelle Lowry, Drexel University, she and the breakfast panelists will share the lessons learned from their own experiences to help assistant professor navigate their careers. Additionally, they will discuss topics such as time management, the publication process, mentorship, as well as how to balance research, teaching and service to the profession.
- Jack Rader FMA Members' & Friends' Breakfast (Saturday, 26 October, 7:15 am, $25 attendance fee): As a conference tradition, this breakfast brings both long-standing and new members of the Association to learn about the FMA's latest initiatives and to hear from a distinguished speaker. This year's speaker is Andrew Karolyi, Deputy Dean and College Dean for Academic Affairs at the SC Johnson College of Business at Cornell University.
Call for Papers and Deadlines
Click to view the Call for Papers.
Doctoral Student Consortium on Wednesday, 23 October 2019
Coordinated by Clemens Sialm, Commerce Bankshares Centennial Professor and Director of the AIM Investment Center at the University of Texas at Austin, the Doctoral Student Consortium includes a panel session with distinguished scholars discussing the latest advances in research and offering career advice. The afternoon breakout sessions give participants the opportunity to present job market papers or dissertation proposals and receive feedback from the faculty and panelists. Accepted participants receive complimentary conference registration.
To apply for the Doctoral Student Consortium, students must complete the online application and submit a 5 - 10 page dissertation proposal (in PDF format). In addition, one recommendation letter should be either uploaded to the application form or sent to FMA prior to the application deadline. There is no fee for the Doctoral Student Consortium application. Applications and reference letters were due Friday, 3 May 2019; the decisions have been finalized for both the Doctoral Student Consortium and Job Market Paper Presentation Sessions. We are not able to accept late applications.
Conference Hotel
The conference hotel is the Sheraton New Orleans Hotel (500 Canal Street, New Orleans LA). The conference rate is $259/night, single/double, plus applicable taxes and fees.
Click here to make your reservation!
The group rate at the Sheraton New Orleans Hotel is sold out. There is limited availability at the New Orleans Marriott, located across the street from the Sheraton.
Download the Free Conference App!
FMA is pleased to announce the launch of the 2019 Annual Meeting App. The app allows you to search for sessions, speakers, create profiles and build your own schedule for the conference by choosing sessions you want to attend.
If you are using an Apple or Android device:
- Search for (and download) the "EventPilot Conference App" from the Apple App Store/Google Play Store.
- You will be prompted for a code. Enter in "FMA 2019" (not case-sensitive)
- You will then be prompted to install the app.
If you already have the Event Pilot app downloaded on your mobile device, follow these steps to access the 2019 conference program:
- Click on the “More” menu icon
- Click on “Find Event”
- Enter the code “FMA 2019”
If you are using a Windows or Blackberry device, visit click here.
If you prefer to view the app on a web browser, head to the Online Planner.
Once downloaded, you may create a profile by creating a new username and password, or by signing in using your existing Google account.
Exhibits & Sponsorships
For information about sponsoring or exhibiting at the 2019 Annual Meeting, please click here.
THANK YOU to our sponsors

#FMANOLA2019 - Follow the Conversation
During the conference, use the hashtag #FMANOLA2019 to follow the conversation on Twitter (@finmgmtassoc) and Facebook (www.facebook.com/FMA.org).