2022 Consortium on Asset Management and Fintech
4 March 2022 Clayton Hotel, Cardiff Lane | Dublin, ROI
Sponsored by the Bank of Ireland and University College Cork Ireland, and supported by Cambridge Judge Business School's Centre for Endowment Asset Management (CEAM) and FMA, the Consortium is designed for European finance faculty who are currently working on research in asset management and related topics. Priority will be given to researchers who have received their doctorates within the last five years.
The consortium will be focused, with 5-6 high-quality papers, discussants, and a limited number of other researchers. Distinguished members of the finance profession, and practitioners, will provide feedback to presenters and discuss issues in asset management as well as aspects of academic publishing and career development.
The theme for this year’s workshop will be Asset Management and Fintech. We particularly encourage papers within this theme that focus on: digital asset pricing, smart contracts, machine learning, robo-advising, digital platforms, textual analysis, blockchain, and cryptocurrency.
For a printable copy of the full Program please click here.
Presenting author in bold
08:45 – 09:00
Welcome & Introductions
Mark Hutchinson, Professor and Chair of Finance, University College Cork David Chambers, Invesco Professor of Finance, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge Mark Mulcahy, Professor in Corporate Finance, University College Cork |
Session Chair: Valeria Fedyk, London Business School
09:00 – 09:45
Tweeting for Money: Social Media and Mutual Fund Flows
Javier Gil-Bazo & Juan F. Imbet Discussant: Philip Hamill, Abu Dhabi University
09:45 – 10:30
Pairs Trading via Unsupervised Learning
Chulwoo Han, Zhaodong He & Alenson Toh Discussant: Marie Lambert, HEC Liège, Management School of the University of Liège
10:30 – 11:00
Break with Coffee and Tea
Session Chair: Elias Ohneberg, University of Cambridge
11:00 – 11:45
Π-CAPM: The Classical CAPM with Probability Weighting and Skewed Assets
Joost Driessen, Sebastian Ebert and Joren Koëter Discussant: Evgenia Passari, Université Paris Dauphine - PSL
11:45 – 12:30
The Public Blockchain Ecosystem: An Empirical Analysis
Felix Irresberger, Kose John, Peter C. Mueller & Fahad Saleh Discussant: Thomas Conlon, University College Dublin
12:30 – 13:30
13:30 – 14:30
Keynote Presentation
Raghavendra Rau, Sir Evelyn de Rothschild Professor of Finance, University of Cambridge Judge Business School.
Professor Rau is the Sir Evelyn de Rothschild Professor of Finance at Cambridge Judge Business School. He is also a past president of the European Finance Association, and a past editor of Financial Management. He is a founder and director of the Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance (CCAF) and a member of the Cambridge Corporate Governance Network (CCGN). He serves on the editorial boards of several journals including the Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Banking and Finance, and the Financial Review. His research interests lie in the areas of corporate finance, corporate governance, and market efficiency. His research, published in journals such as the Journal of Finance, the Journal of Financial Economics, and the Review of Financial Studies, among others, covers topics such as the optimal form of CEO compensation, whether bribery has a positive NPV for firms, why analyst coverage helps firms, and have won several awards including the EFA Barclays Global Investor Award, the Chinese Finance Association Best Paper in Corporate Finance and the Financial Management Association “Best of the Best” Award. His papers have frequently been covered by the popular press including the New York Times, the Financial Times, the Wall Street Journal, and the Economist, among others. He won the Ig Nobel Prize in Management in 2015, a prize awarded for research that makes people laugh, and then think.
14:30 – 14:45
Break with Coffee and Tea
Session Chair: Xiaotong Sun, University of Glasgow
14:45 – 15:30
A Flight-to-Safety From Bitcoin to Stock Markets: Evidence from Cyber Attacks
Yang Fang, Cathy Yi-Hsuan Chen & Chunxia Jiang Discussant: Abhinav Goyal, University College Cork
15:30 – 16:15
Anxiety, Excitement, and Asset Prices
Mohammad Shehub Bin Hasan, Alok Kumar & Richard Taffler Discussant: Richard Evans, University of Virginia - Darden
16:15 – 16:30
Closing Remarks
Registration has closed.
Consortium Co-Chairs
- Mark Hutchinson, Professor and Chair of Finance, University College Cork
- David Chambers, Invesco Professor of Finance, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
- Mark Mulcahy, Professor in Corporate Finance, University College Cork
Consortium Goals
- Present high quality new and unpublished research
- Bring together younger scholars working in asset management and related topics and help them benefit from engaging with each other and gaining exposure to more senior faculty
Program Participation Applications and Selection Process
Click here to view the Call for Papers. Applications to present current research will be selected on a competitive basis, with priority given to European finance faculty who have been awarded their doctorate within the last five years. Criteria will include the nature of the research problem, implications of the proposed research, the quality of the research design, and the expected contribution of the research to the literature.
The paper submission fee is $25 USD for members and $35 USD for non-members.
To submit a paper for review, click below.
The deadline for paper submissions was 29 October 2021. We are no longer accepting paper submissions.
Accepted presenters will be exempted from paying the registration fee and will be invited to a conference networking dinner. One night’s accommodation will be covered for presenters.
Program Committee Member Application
The deadline to apply for the program committee was 25 October 2021. We are no longer accepting committee applications.
Best Paper Prize
The winner of the Best Paper Prize was Π-CAPM: The Classical CAPM with Probability Weighting and Skewed Assets, presented by Joren Koëter, co-authored with Joost Driessen and Sebastian Ebert.
The prize is $500 USD and an invitation to present the paper at a future FMA European Conference.
Formal Participant Letters & Invitations
For participants seeking a formal invitation from FMA for either institution support or visa requirements, please contact Dawn Appleby at +1.813.974.2084 or [email protected]. Participants must be registered for the conference in order to receive a requested letter.
Accommodation is available at the Clayton Hotel, Cardiff Lane for 3 March at €130.00 with breakfast based on single occupancy. To reserve a room please call 01 643 9500 (press option 1) or email [email protected] and quote “2022 Consortium on Asset Management and Fintech event”.
THANK YOU to our sponsors and supporters
We would like to thank the Bank of Ireland, and the Cambridge Centre for Endowment Asset Management (CEAM) for their kind support and collaboration.
Past Consortium Programs
- View the program from the 2020 Consortium on Asset Management
- View the program from the 2019 Consortium on Factor Investing
- View the program from the 2018 Consortium on Trading Strategies and Institutional Investing
- View the program from the 2017 Consortium on Institutional Investing and Hedge Funds
- View the program from the 2015 Consortium on Activist Investors, Corporate Governance and Hedge Funds
- View the program from the 2014 Consortium on Research in Hedge Funds, Trading Strategies & Related Topics
#FMAConsortium2022 - Follow the Conversation
During the conference, use the hashtag #FMAConsortium2022 to follow the conversation on Twitter (@finmgmtassoc) and Facebook (www.facebook.com/FMA.org).